Liver Balls for Dogs

Akos Novak
Prep Time
25 minutes
Cook Time
25 minutes
Total Time:
50 minutes


Cooking Temp:
350 °F

Best Season:




  1. Blend the liver and carrots.
  2. The blended liver with the whole wheat flour (and optionally the egg).
  3. Make small balls, then bake for 20-25 minutes at 350 degrees.

Liver Balls for Dogs: A Nutritious and Delicious Treat

Are you looking for a healthy and delicious treat for your furry friend? Look no further! Our Liver Balls for Dogs are the perfect snack that combines taste and nutrition. These treats are made from liver, which is packed with essential nutrients that are great for your dog’s health. Let’s dive into why liver is such a fantastic ingredient and how these homemade treats are a better choice than store-bought ones.

Why Liver Is Great for Dogs

Liver is a superfood for dogs. It’s rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals that are essential for your dog’s overall well-being. Liver is an excellent source of vitamin A, which supports vision, skin health, and the immune system. It also contains vitamins B2, B9, and B12, which are vital for energy production and maintaining a healthy nervous system. Additionally, liver is packed with iron, copper, and zinc, which help keep your dog’s blood, bones, and immune system in top shape.

Making Liver Balls for Dogs

Our Liver Balls for Dogs are easy to make and require just a few simple ingredients. To prepare these tasty treats, you’ll need fresh liver, whole wheat flour, and an egg. First, blend the liver into a smooth paste. Then, mix it with the flour and egg to form a dough. Roll the dough into small balls and bake until they are firm and cooked through. Voilà! You have a batch of nutritious liver balls that your dog will love.

Healthier Than Store-Bought Treats

Many store-bought dog treats contain fillers, artificial flavors, and preservatives that aren’t great for your dog’s health. By making liver balls at home, you can ensure that your dog is getting a treat made from natural, wholesome ingredients. Homemade treats allow you to control the quality and source of the ingredients, ensuring that your dog is eating something nutritious and safe. Plus, liver balls are free from the unnecessary additives found in many commercial treats.

A Perfect Treat for Training and Special Occasions

Liver balls are not only healthy but also highly appealing to dogs. The rich, meaty flavor makes them an excellent choice for training sessions. Dogs are more likely to respond positively to training when they know they’ll be rewarded with something as tasty as a liver ball. These treats are also perfect for special occasions, like your dog’s birthday or as a reward for good behavior.

Fun and Easy to Make

One of the best things about making liver balls at home is how fun and easy it is. You can involve your kids in the process and make it a family activity. Watching your dog enjoy a treat that you made with love is incredibly rewarding. Plus, you can make a large batch and store them in the freezer, so you always have a healthy treat on hand.